Our commitment
Caminando Costa Rica is committed to the environment and local populations
This vision has been an integral part of the company’s philosophy from the outset.
Caminando Costa Rica has obtained the CST label – Certificación de Sostenibilidad Turísitica a Sustainable Tourism Certification awarded by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute.
This certification not only includes the environmental aspect, but also takes into account the company’s management policies, as well as the agency’s social and cultural impact.
This certification is the most important in Costa Rica. It promotes tourism excellence and sustainable development on a global scale, and is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

Carbon offsetting
The tourism industry is responsible for around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, so it has a definite impact on climate change. Every time we fly, drive, take the train, stay in a hotel or produce waste, we generate carbon dioxide.
Carbon offsetting allows you to compensate for the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases you produce during your trip to Costa Rica by reducing emissions elsewhere.
Caminando Costa Rica recommends two trusted organisations to help you reduce your carbon footprint:
Against sexual exploitation
At Caminando Costa Rica we pride ourselves on working in harmony with the environment and the local community. Since October 2020 we have been participating in the Code of Conduct programme set up by the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (ICT) and the local ECPAT member association Paniamor, which promotes a zero tolerance policy towards the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents among companies in the tourism sector.
Caminando Costa Rica supports and participates in this programme and will not tolerate any situation that endangers the integrity of children or adolescents at any level within the company or its suppliers.