
Did you know?
Bioluminescence, a natural phenomenon, is the production and emission of light by a living organism, such as algae, through a chemical reaction. Upon contact with any movement, plankton emits a sparkling light. According to specialists, plankton emit this light to protect themselves from predators, communicate with their “peers,” and warn them of potential danger.
The Nicoya Peninsula is the perfect place to experience this phenomenon and be amazed by it. Costa Rica will never cease to surprise you.
After perhaps visiting the Curú Wildlife Refuge and seeing many animals and beautiful vegetation, get ready to be dazzled by the sparkling waters!
Whether in a kayak or a small motorboat, the bioluminescence tour is a unique experience to be had at least once in a lifetime.
Keep in mind that this phenomenon is not observable on nights of a full moon and the 2-3 nights around it due to the strong brightness: a small detail but very important to consider when making a reservation 🙂
This phenomenon can also be observed in the Golfito area, a slightly less touristy region in the south of the country, near Corcovado.